The Project
Building a church
To do God's work
In our community
And around the world
"Let us start rebuilding." So they began this good work. - Nehemiah 2:18
Our Mission:
To build a church that is equipped for the work of reaching people with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Our Mission:
To build a church which allows us to establish relationships and reach the community of Kersey with love and mercy for the development and maturing of His people.
The Church
God has truly blessed the Kersey Community Church and the entire Kersey Community. Our rich history has laid a firm foundation from which to build a bright future. Our mission is for this church to continue outreach into our community for the work of Jesus Christ.
Our Past
Kersey Community Church began in 1954 with 31 dedicated people meeting from a small home. With God's continued blessing through growth, the current church was built in 1973.
Our Present
Kersey Community Church is a rapidly growing church fellowship. While our church family continues to grow our facility, unfortunately, does not. Our current facilities are aging and require significant upgrades and repairs in order to continue supporting the people and programs that depend on them. After much prayer and evaluation, we feel God has called us to rebuild and expand our facilities.
Our Future
This building project will add much needed classroom space, improve our parking lot, resolve our drainage problems, update and grow our sanctuary to meet the growing numbers attending weekly events.